Rev 3.0D May.10 25
6: Configuring WAN/Cellular
• WAN/Cellular
The WAN/Cellular section allows changes to the cellular connection
and main operating mode of the Helix. Some settings may appear
differently and are dependent on cellular carrier settings.
The default mode is "Cellular". This uses the onboard cellular module
as primary means of connection and enables all other onboard
features. Custom connection settings can be included if they are
supported by the cellular module.
Figure 6-1: ACEmanager: WAN/Cellular
Command Description
Backhaul Mode Cellular, WAN failover, IP Passthrough. These are the three operating modes
of the Helix. Cellular mode is the default mode and in this mode the Helix
operates as cellular modem with LAN routing capabilities. WAN failover mode
uses either the cellular modem or an Ethernet WAN link (DSL, cable, office
LAN) to connect to the Internet. The Helix will then manage and switch
between the two connections based on their availability. IP Passthrough
mode will pass the cellular WAN IP address directly through to any client
connected to port 2 of the Helix. This is used in some VPN scenarios or when
a device requires an external IP address. Devices connected to port 1 or Wi-
Fi will still receive DHCP addressing.
Network Credentials Default or Custom. Default settings are the default cellular data connection
settings in the United States. Selecting Custom settings will show another set
of fields allowing you to use custom settings for specific carrier information.