About extended setup options
The extended setup options contain various setup options which are used less frequently than
the basic setup options. The function in these options are categorized to four functional blocks:
• Items numbering in 10's through 30's are for "Print enhancement" which defines the emulation
type or character tables.
• Items numbering in 40's and 50's are for "Paper handling enhancement" which defines the paper
characteristics or print area.
• Items numbering in 60's and 70's are for "Communication enhancement" which defines the
interface control parameters.
• Items numbering in 80's are for other functional items to "Miscellaneous".
For the overview of the extended setup options, refer to the extended setup options summary on
page 34 and 35.
Note: You may have noticed that some option numbers are skipped in the display. Those
skipped item numbers are reserved for special use and they do not affect regular operation of
this printer.
❏ To set this option
By pressing and holding the SETUP key when the RESET key is pressed, the printer enters the
extended setup options, where various functions including the basic setup options can be set.
The keys and operation method in the extended setup options are the same as those in the basic
setup options. However, when exiting from the extended setup options, the initialization of the
printer will be conducted by printing the RESET key.