
ITEM SYMBOL Hexadecimal Decimal FUNCTION
[21] ESC 4 [1B,34] H [27,52] D Sets the top-of-form (TOF) at the current print line.
[22] ESC 5 n [1B,35,n] H [27,53,n] D Sets/cancels auto linefeed with CR
n=0: Carriage return without linefeed.
n=1: Carriage return with linefeed.
[23] ESC 6 [1B,36] H [27,54] D Selects IBM character set 2.
[24] ESC 7 [1B,37] H [27,55] D Selects IBM character set 1.
[25] ESC : [1B,3A] H [27,58] D Sets elite (12cpi) mode.
[26] ESC = n1 n2 [1B,3D,n1,n2,23,lo,hi] H Defines download character.
id lo hi data [27,61,n1,n2,35,lo,hi] D When n1=n2=0, the download area is cleared.
The number of data bytes following n2 is defined as
n1+n2×256 (including three bytes of id, lo, hi ).
id is always 23h.
lo and hi compose two-byte address where the first
downloading character is to be stored and the follow-
ing data are stored in the successive addresses.
[27] ESC A n [1B,41,n] H [27,65,n] D Sets line spacing to n/72" (1n255)
or to n/60" (1n255) in AGM mode.
[28] ESC B n1 n2... [1B,42,n1,n2,...n64,00] H Sets vertical tab positions beginning from n1 and end
n64 NUL [27,66,n1,n2,...n64,0] D with NUL [00]H. n1= 1 is the first line at the TOF.
[29] ESC C n [1B,43,n] H [27,67,n] D Sets page length in lines (1n255).
The current print line becomes TOF (top-of-form).
The bottom margin set by ESC N is cancelled.
[30] ESC C NUL n [1B,43,00,n] H [27,67,0,n] D Sets page length in inches (1n182).
The current print line becomes TOF (top of form).
[31] ESC D n1 [1B,44,n1,n2,...n28,00] H Sets horizontal tab position (1n255).
n2...n28 NUL [27,68,n1,n2,...n28,0] D nindicates the number of spaces from the left margin
with the character width at the command execution.
Left/right margins clear the tab positions.
n1= 1 is at the first column from the left margin.
[32] ESC E [1B,45] H [27,69] D Sets emphasized character mode.
Underline and graphic characters are also emphasized.
[33] ESC F [1B,46] H [27,70] D Cancels emphasized character mode.
[34] ESC G [1B,47] H [27,71] D Sets double strike character mode.
[35] ESC H [1B,48]H [27,72] D Cancels double strike character mode.
[36] ESC I n [1B,49] H [27,73] D Selects one of font styles.
n=0: draft 10cpi
n=2: LQ 10cpi
n=3: LQ proportional
n=4: download Draft 10cpi
n=6: download LQ 10cpi
n=7: download LQ proportional
n=8: draft 12cpi
n=10: LQ 12cpi
n=12: download draft 12cpi
n=14: download LQ 12cpi
n=16: condensed draft
n=18: condensed LQ
n=20: download condensed draft
n=22: download condensed LQ
[37] ESC J n [1B,4A,n] H [27,74,n] D Linefeeds in the basic spacing set by ESC [ \ after
printing. The default is n/216" (1n255) in
standard mode or n/180" (0n255) in AGM mode.
B. Control code summary (IBM)