
ITEM SYMBOL Hexadecimal Decimal FUNCTION
[56] ESC * c # F [1B,2A,63,#,46]H Download font control
[27,42,99,#,70]D - Controls download font as follows.
# = 0 (30H) :Delete all download font
# = 3 (33H) Delete data of current download
# = 6 (36H) :Copy ROM font to download
[57] ESC * p # X [1B,2A,70,#,58]H Sets horizontal positioning by dot
[27,42,112,#,88]D # = 1/180" units : PCL3 or PCL3+
# = 1/360" units : PCL3+ D
[58] ESC * p # Y [1B,2A,70,#,59]H Sets vertical positioning by dot
[27,42,112,#,89]D # = 1/180" units : PCL3 or PCL3+
# = 1/360" units : PCL3+ D
[59] ESC * r # A [1B,2A,72,#,41]H Sets start raster graphics printing
[27,42,114,#,65]D - Raster graphics printing starts as follows
# = 0(30H) :Prints from the left most
printable position
# = 1(31H) :Prints from the current position
[60] ESC * r B [1B,2A,72,42]H Sets terminates raster graphics printing
[27,42,114,66]D - Raster graphics printing is terminated
[61] ESC * r K [1B,2A,72,4B]H Model number request(Serial I/F only)
[27,42,114,65]D - Model number is requested.
- The printer sends back the following answer
when this data is recognized. 2235A 2712CRLF
[62] ESC * r # S [1B,2A,72,#,53]H Designates raster graphics width.
[27,42,114,#,83]D - Raster graphics width is defined by dot.
[63] ESC * t # R [1B,2A,74,#,52]H Designates raster graphics resolution.
[27,42,117,#,82]D -Raster graphics resolution is defined as follows.
When PCL3+ or PCL3+D is selected.
# = 6 , 0 (36H,30H) :60 dpi
# = 9 , 0 (39H,30H) :90 dpi
# = 1 , 8 , 0 (31H,38H,30H) :180 dpi
# = 3 , 6 , 0 (33H,36H,30H) :360 dpi
When PCL3 is selected.
# = 9 , 0 (39H,30H) :90 dpi
# = 1 , 8 , 0 (31H,38H,30H) :180 dpi
[64] ESC 9 [1B,39]H [27,57]D Clear left and right margin.
[65] ESC = [1B,3D]H [27,61]D Half line feed -- Half line feed is executed.
[66] ESC ? DC1 [1B,3F,11]H [27,63,17]D Request I/O status(Serial I/O only)
- Printer status is requested.
- The printer sends back the following data to the host
computer as the printer status.
[67] ESC E [1B,45]H [27,69]D Reset - The printer is initialized.
[68] ESC Y [1B, 59]H [27,89]D Designate display function- Display function is set on.
[69] ESC Z [1B,5A]H [27,90]D Cancels display function - Display function is set off.
[70] ESC z [1B,7A]H [27,122]D Self test - Self test print is executed for 1 page.
1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0
Paper out or cover open
printer busy
on line alway
I/O DATA error
B. Control code summary (HP)