Connection Menu
The following information is displayed about the current connection:
• Device Name. The name of the Dominion KX II device.
• IP Address. The IP Address of the Dominion KX II device.
• Port. The KVM Communication TCP/IP Port used to access the
target device.
• Data In/Second. Data rate in.
• Data Out/Second. Data rate out.
• Connect Time. The duration of the connect time.
• FPS. The frames per second transmitted for video.
• Horizontal Resolution. The screen resolution horizontally.
• Vertical Resolution. The screen resolution vertically.
• Refresh Rate. How often the screen is refreshed.
• Protocol Version. RFB Protocol version.
To copy this information:
Click Copy to Clipboard. The information is available to be pasted
into the program of your choice.
To close the Virtual KVM Client (the target you are
currently accessing):
Select Connection > Exit.