Event Management
Trap Name Description
deviceUpgradeStarted The Dominion KX II has begun update via an RFP
ethernetFailover An Ethernet failover was detected and restored on
a new Ethernet interface.
factoryReset The device has been reset to factory defaults.
firmwareFileDiscarded Firmware file was discarded.
firmwareUpdateFailed Firmware update failed.
firmwareValidationFailed Firmware validation failed.
groupAdded A group has been added to the Dominion KX II
groupDeleted A group has been deleted from the system.
groupModified A group has been modified.
ipConflictDetected An IP Address conflict was detected.
ipConflictResolved An IP Address conflict was resolved.
networkFailure An Ethernet interface of the product can no longer
communicate over the network.
networkParameterChanged A change has been made to the network
passwordSettingsChanged Strong password settings have changed.
portConnect A previously authenticated user has begun a
KVM session.
portConnectionDenied A connection to the target port was denied.
portDisconnect A user engaging in a KVM session closes the
session properly.
portStatusChange The port has become unavailable.
powerNotification The power outlet status notification: 1=Active,
powerOutletNotification Power strip device outlet status notification.
rebootCompleted The KX has completed its reboot.
rebootStarted The KX has begun to reboot, either through
cycling power to the system or by a warm reboot
from the OS.
securityViolation Security violation.