Chapter 9: Device Management
Associate Target Servers to Outlets (Port Page)
This Port page opens when you select a port from the Port Configuration
(see "
Port Configuration Page" on page 138) page that is connected to a
target server. From this page, you can make power associations, change
the Port Name to something more descriptive, and update target server
settings if you are using the D2CIM-VUSB CIM (see "
Note for D2CIM-
VUSB CIM Usage" on page
145). The (CIM) Type and the (Port) Name
fields are pre-populated; please note that the CIM type cannot be
A server can have up to four power plugs and you can associate a
different power strip with each. From this page, you can define those
associations so that you can power on, power off, and power cycle the
server from the Port Access page.
To use this feature, you will need:
• Raritan remote power strip(s)
• Power CIMs (D2CIM-PWR)
Figure 63: Port Page (KVM ports)