5–Fabric Element MIB Objects
fcFxPortC3Discards (
59047-10 D 5-33
fcFxPortC3Discards (
The number of Class 3 frames discarded by this FxPort.
Syntax Counter32
Access read-only
Status current
Return Value The total number of Class3Toss discarded by a port.
Capability Group
The objects described in this section are in table format indexed by switch index
and port index. An example of how to access one of these objects is: "snmpget
localhost public fcFxPortName.1.1". The Capability Group consists of a table
describing information about what each FxPort is inherently capable of operating
or supporting. A capability may be used as expressed in its respective object
value in the Configuration group.
fcFxPortCapFcphVersionHigh (
The highest or most recent version of FC-PH that the FxPort is capable of
Syntax FcphVersion
Access read-only
Status current
Return Value Always returns 32 (0x20).
fcFxPortCapFcphVersionLow (
The lowest or earliest version of FC-PH that the FxPort is capable of supporting.
Syntax FcphVersion
Access read-only
Status current
Return Value Always returns 9.