4–Fibre Alliance MIB Objects
Platform Table
59047-10 D 4-87
Platform Table
The Platform Table is a simple, read-only view of platform registration entries.
Platform registry is a service hosted by the connectivity unit, in a very similar
manner as the SNS table. The platform table is contained by the connectivity unit.
A platform can register it's attributes and platform nodes with the registry service.
The platform table is a flat, double-indexed MIB table. To keep the table simple,
only one platform management URL is exposed. If a platform registers more than
one management URL, the first one is reported in this table. This table is based on
the fabric configuration server defined in the FC-GS-3 standard and enhanced
platform attributes proposed for FC-GS-4. Note that the information contained in
this table may only contain the platforms that this connUnit can see or it may
contain a fabric wide view of the platforms.
connUnitPlatformMaxEntry (
The maximum number of entries in the platform table.
Access read-only
Status mandatory
Return Value Unsupported. Always returns error status "NoSuchName"
connUnitPlatformIndex (
Unique table index for each platform. Valid values are between 1 and
Syntax INTEGER (1..2147483647)
Access read-only
Status mandatory
Return Value Unsupported. Always returns error status "NoSuchName"