
5–Fabric Element MIB Objects
fcFxPortC1InConnections (
5-28 59047-10 D
fcFxPortC1InConnections (
The number of Class 1 connections successfully established in which the
attached NxPort is the source of the connect-request.
Syntax Counter32
Access read-only
Status current
Return Value Unsupported. Always returns error status "NoSuchName".
fcFxPortC1OutConnections (
The number of Class 1 connections successfully established in which the
attached NxPort is the destination of the connect-request.
Syntax Counter32
Access read-only
Status current
Return Value Unsupported. Always returns error status "NoSuchName".
fcFxPortC1ConnTime (
The cumulative time that this FxPort has been engaged in Class 1 connection.
The amount of time is counted from after a connect-request has been accepted
until the connection is disengaged, either by an EOFdt or Link Reset.
Syntax Milliseconds
Access read-only
Status current
Return Value Unsupported. Always returns error status "NoSuchName".