Index – 5
missed call configuration A–112
Network Address Translation A–120
no answer A–115
quotas A–94
registration A–107
roaming buddies A–122
roaming privacy A–123
routing A–118
routing server A–118
per-phone configuration file A–106
phone diagnostics 5–9
phone1.cfg A–106
port <port> A–62
presence 4–60
presence <pres> A–72
product-model-part number mapping C–26
protocol <voIpProt> A–6
protocol server <server> A–7
protocol special events <specialEvent> A–16
provisioning <prov> A–90
provisioning over CLink 4–39
provisioning protocols 3–4
provisioning protocols, supported 3–4
QOS. See also Quality of Service
Quality of Service <QOS> A–55
quotas <quotas> A–94
RAM disk <ramdisk> A–90
rebooting phones 3–17, 3–20
receive equalization <rxEq> A–49
registration <reg> A–107
reliability of provisional responses B–9
request <request> A–91
request delay <delay> A–91
request validation <requestValidation> A–15
resetting to factory defaults 3–5
resource <res> A–93
resource files, overview 2–7
RFC support B–2
ring type <rt> A–36
ringer patterns A–34
roaming buddies <roaming_buddies> A–122
roaming privacy <roaming_provacy> A–123
routing <routing> A–118
routing server <server> A–21, A–118
RTP <RTP> A–56, A–57, A–62
sampled audio files A–31
sampled audio for sound effects <saf> A–30
SCA. See also shared call appearances
scheduled logging parameters A–87
secure real-time transport protocol 4–82
security <sec> A–88
server menu 3–9
server redundancy 4–56
server-based call forwarding See also call
server-based DND See also do not disturb
Services key. See also Applications key
Session Initiation Protocol
setting up
advanced features 4–22
audio features 4–73
basic features 4–1
boot server 3–12
network 3–2
security features
shared call appearance signaling B–10
shared call appearances
shared calls <shared> A–67
shared lines
barge-in 4–27, A–109
1xx Responses - Provisional B–6
2xx Responses - Success B–6
3xx Responses - Redirection B–7
4xx Responses - Request Failure B–7
5xx Responses - Server Failure B–8
6xx Responses - Global Failure B–8
application architecture 2–3
basic protocols, hold implementation B–9
basic protocols, request support B–3
basic protocols, response support B–6
basic protocols, RFC and Internet draft
support B–2
basic protocols, transfer B–9
instant messaging and presence leveraging
extensions B–10
RFC 2–1
SIP application
description 2–4
installing 3–14
upgrading 3–19