Configuration Files
A - 69
Corporate Directory <corp/>
A portion of the corporate directory is stored in flash memory on the phone.
The size is based on the amount of flash memory in the phone. (Different
phone models have variable flash memory.)
This configuration attribute is defined as follows:
dir.local.nonVolatile.maxSize.8meg 1 to 100 100 Attribute applies only to platforms
with 8 Mbytes or more of flash
This is the maximum size of
non-volatile storage that the
directory will be permitted to
dir.local.readonly 0, 1 1 Specifies whether or not local
contact directory is read only.
If set to 0 or Null, the local contact
directory is editable.
If set to 1, the local contact directory
is read only.
Note: If the local contact directory is
read only, speed dial entry on the
SoundPoint IP 320/330 is disabled
(enter the speed dial index followed
by “#”).
dir.search.field 0, 1 Null Specifies how to search the contact
directory. If set to 1, search by
contact’s first name. If set to 0,
search by contact’s last name.
Values Default Interpretation
Values Default Interpretation
dir.corp.address dotted-decimal
IP address or
host name
Null The IP address or host name of the
LDAP server interface to the
corporate directory.
dir.corp.port 0, Null, 1 to
389 (TCP)
636 (TLS)
This parameter is used to specify
the port to connect to on the server,
if a full URL is not provided.
dir.corp.transport TCP, TLS, Null TCP This parameter is used to specify
whether a TCP or TLS connection is
made with the server, if a full URL is
not provided.