Administrator’s Guide SoundPoint IP / SoundStation IP
A - 72
Presence <pres/>
The parameter
is the line number used to send SUBSCRIBE. If this
parameter is missing, the phone will use the primary line to send SUBSCRIBE.
Fonts <font/>
These settings control the phone’s ability to dynamically load an external font
file during boot up. Loaded fonts can either overwrite pre-existing fonts
embedded within the software (not recommended) or can extend the phone’s
font support for Unicode ranges not already embedded. The font file must be
a Microsoft .fnt or .fon file format. (.fon file format is a collection of .fnt fonts
grouped together within a single file.) The font file name must follow a specific
pattern as described:
• Font filename:
dir.corp.cacheSize 8 to 256 64 The maximum number of entries
that can be cached locally on the
dir.corp.pageSize 8 to 64 16 The maximum number of entries
requested from the corporate
directory server with each query.
Values Default Interpretation
Values Default Interpretation
pres.reg positive
1 Specifies the line/registration
number used to send SUBSCRIBE
for presence. Must be a valid
line/registration number. If the
number is not a valid
line/registration number, it is
pres.idleSoftkeys 0, 1 Null If set to Null or 0, the presence idle
soft keys (MyStat and Buddies) do
not appear.
If set to Null or 1, the presence idle
soft keys appear.
This section does not apply to the SoundPoint IP 301 phones.