Polycom® RSS™ 4000 User Guide
Figure 2-43 Enquiring Archives
Enter the keyword for the archive’s name in the inquiry input box, and then
click the apply button to inquire. After successfully looking it up, the video
table shows all archives that contain the keyword entered.
Sorting Archives
Besides looking up archives by their archive names, the Polycom® RSS™
4000 also provides the function of sorting by archive properties. The video
properties that the files can be ordered by include: video name, server, start
date/time, duration, rate, video, H.239, and size.
Single-clicking on a property in the archive table’s header can order the
archives by that property in increasing order or in decreasing order. When
the table is in ascending or descending order by any property, clicking the
header again will sort the list in the opposite order.
Changing Archive Properties
The user can click this video properties icon on the Video Table page to
enter the Edit Archive page to edit, as shown below:
Figure 2-44 Edit File Properties
Table 2-11 Archive Properties Settings Details
Item Details
Video Name
The user can enter any combination of letters or numbers, but
the length cannot exceed 48 characters.
The user can enter any combination of letters or numbers, but