Chapter 2 -
Web User Interface (UI)
Delete Group
To delete a group on the Groups page, select the group and then click the
"Delete" button. The user can select one group or multiple groups for
deletion. The user can also select all groups for deletion by checking the
check box in the header.
Active Directory Settings
The Polycom® RSS™ 4000 provides the function of integration with an
Active Directory server, so that users on the integrated Active Directory do
not need to register on the Polycom® RSS™ 4000 to directly visit the
Polycom® RSS™ 4000 web management page to play a video.
Click “Account Management -> Active Directory Settings” in the navigation
bar on the left side of the screen to enter the Active Directory Server
configuration interface.
Figure 2-31 Active Directory Settings Page
Table 2-7 Details of Active Directory Settings
Item Details
Integrate with Active
Directory Server
Sets whether the Polycom® RSS™ 4000 integrates with
an Active Directory server. When checked, Polycom®
RSS™ 4000 integrates with an Active Directory server.
Then, you can set the specific Active Directory server and
the users and passwords that can access domains within
the Active Directory. When unchecked, the Polycom®
RSS™ 4000 is not integrated with an Active Directory
server, and the settings related to the Active Directory
server are disabled.
Active Directory Server
Sets the IP address or domain name of the Active
Directory server to be integrated.
User ID
Sets the user name used by the Polycom® RSS™ 4000
when accessing the Active Directory server.