Chapter 2 -
Web User Interface (UI)
Polycom® RSS™ 4000 will do a capability negotiation with the called
endpoint and establish a connection according to the negotiated audio and
video protocols.
After dialing and establishing a connection through the web, if there are recording
resources available, recording starts immediately; there is no need to change
additional settings on the endpoint other than answering the call.
After dialing and establishing a connection through the web, if there are no recording
resources available on the Polycom® RSS™ 4000, then the connection will terminate
after 40 seconds.
The settings for “Recording Options” and “Viewing Rights” are the same as those
on the Single Point Recording page. This information will not be repeated here. For
more details, please refer to Single Point Recording Settings
Multicast Settings
Configuring the Polycom® RSS™ 4000 Multicast function will enable a
group of PC within the same subnet as Polycom® RSS™ 4000 or accessible
via router simultaneously view the video stored on Polycom® RSS™ 4000 or
being streamed.
Click on “Recording Setting -> Multicast Settings” in the navigation bar on the
left side of the page, and the user can set information related to video
multicasting. If the multicast function of the device is not enabled, all of the
options on this page will be disabled.
Figure 2-37 Multicast Settings Page
Table 2-8 Multicast Settings Details
Item Details
Enable multicast for
recording sessions
When checked, the device multicasts the currently
recording video. At this time, you can use the Polycom®
RSS™ 4000 Multicast Player to receive to view the
multicast video. When it is unchecked, the device does not
multicast the currently recording video.
Session Advertisement
Through this address, users can view the list of all videos
currently being multicast.
Session Advertisement
Sets the port used by the video list sent by the Polycom®
RSS™ 4000 device, with a range between 3000 and 3999.
Media Destination Sets the multicast address used by the video’s audio and