5. Messages
Message is the first option of the Menu. There are five sub-menus under the
Message menu: SMS, MMS (Multimedia message), Email, Voice Mail, and
Call Broadcast.
You can read, write, send and save text, multimedia, SMS (short message
service) and e-mail messages. All messages are organized into folders.
Before you can send a message, you need to save some message settings.
To select the language for reading and writing messages, go to Settings >
language, and select the language you want to use. For Detail, see chapter
5.1 Short Message Service (SMS)
You can send and receive multi-part messages, which consist of several ordi-
nary text messages (network service) by using the SMS (Short Message
The text messages function uses shared memory. Using any such features
may reduce the memory available for any features sharing memory. This is
especially true with heavy use of any of the features.
There are seven sub-menus under the SMS menus: Inbox, Write Message,
Draft, Outbox, Templates, Settings and Memory status.
5.1.1 Inbox
All the incoming messages are stored in Inbox folder with detailed date, time
and sender of each message shown. You can use Left soft key
(Options) to reply, call (via GSM or WLAN), and delete the selected message,
or delete all messages in the Inbox.