
SIM card This removable card is a chip located inside
a GSM telephone that contains information
such as the user’s telephone number, the
list of telephone numbers and other infor-
mation related to the owner of the tele-
SIP The real-time communication protocol for
SMS (short message service) This text messag-
ing service is used in the majority of mobile
telephone systems.
USB A device that allows the telephone to inter-
face with a PC through a PC- tool.)
Voicemail Calls are transferred to Voicemail if the user
is cannot be reached or if the telephone is
turned off. The telephone informs the user if
they have received a message.
VoIP VoIP is a group of technologies that com-
presses the voice, enters it into “packages”
and then transmits it via internet.
WAP Element that helps to create internet appli-
cations that can be used by special cellular
WLAN A network that allows various users located
in the same building with intranet access to
connect with each other. Normally operates
below the 802.11 Norm. The sog.Hub hard-
ware component operates like a common
connection interface, making it possible to
transmit data located inside the data
processing network to others.
Term Description