17)How can I manage the association to two different Access Points?
(Eg. One at home and another in my office?)
• It is possible by setting one profile for any environment where the
phone has to work in, and set “ALL PROFILES” in WLAN configura-
tion session
18)Does DP L10 support WAP 2.0 protocol?
• Yes, it supports wap 2.0 (http, ssl) TCP-IP based. Anyway certain
functions wap related as e-mail, fast download or MMS require the
Network support to become effective.
19)Does DP L10 support the e-mail functionality?
• Yes, it does. It supports protocols POP3 and SMTP.
20)The user has problems with your client e-mail
• Check the e-mail client configuration (username, password, e-mail
address, incoming and outcoming server port…)
21) Can the user synchronize the Outlook Address book with the DP-
L10 phonebook?
• Yes, he/she can. The PC utility tool lets to synchronize with Windows
Outlook Express and Outlook 2003 Address book.
22)Does DP L10 support WAP 2.0 protocol?
• Yes, it supports wap 2.0 (http, ssl) TCP-IP based. Anyway certain
functions wap related as e-mail, fast download or MMS require the
Network support to become effective.
23)Does DP L10 support MMS?
• Yes, it supports SMS, LMS and MMS.
24)The user is not able to access to Internet via WAP?
• Check the WAP configuration in the WAP profile setting.