Checking, sorting and deleting images
JPEG Convertor lets you enlarge the imported images which are displayed
in the thumbnail screen for checking, and also lets you sort the images into
a particular order for displaying during a presentation. You can also delete
unneeded images.
Checking images
Double click on the image you wish to
An enlarged view of the image will appear, so
that you can check that the image has
imported correctly.
• You can also enlarge thumbnail images by
right-clicking on them and selecting Display
picture from the pop-up menu.
Sorting images
Drag the thumbnail image and drop it in
the place where you wish the image to
A green dividing line appears between the
images. If you release the mouse button when
the thumbnail image is in the desired location,
the image will move to that location.
• You can also move thumbnail images by
right-clicking on them and selecting Sort from
the pop-up menu, and then using the Arrange
Images dialog box which appears.