
Abbreviation for Lempel-Ziv-Welch. LZW is a compression method used
for TIFF files, and is named thus because it was developed by three people
named Lempel, Ziv and Welch. It compresses the files by converting
patterns within the images into short codes. There is no deterioration in
image quality resulting from compression, but high rates of compression
which are comparable to JPEG files cannot be expected to be obtained.
(JPEG Convertor does not support files compressed using LZW.)
Abbreviation for Design rule for Camera File system. DCF is a standard
which was established by the Japan Electronic Industry Development
Association (JEIDA) with the aim of realising a common image file format,
directory name format and file name format for the images used with digital
still cameras. It is based on recommendations such as Exif Version 2.1.
Exif 2.1
Abbreviation for Exchangeable Image File Format. This is an image file
format which was established by the Japan Electronic Industry
Development Association (JEIDA). It defines the common information
format and range of application for images used with digital still cameras,
centring around TIFF and JPEG-format images. Version 2.1 is the latest
version of the Exif standard.
Application software for creating presentations which is included as part of
Microsoft Office. 95, 97 and 2000 versions are available, but the JPEG
Convertor software which is bundled with the projector is only compatible
with the 97 and 2000 versions.