Importing JPEG, BMP and TIFF files
created using other
Click Import file, and then select the
folder and then the image you wish to
An Open window such as the one shown in the
illustration will appear. Use the drop-down list
box or double-click the folder icons to navigate
to the location of the image file(s) to be converted, and then select the
file(s) to be converted and click Open. If you click Import All, all image files
in the folder which is currently open will be imported.
Images which cannot be imported
It may not be possible to import some files with the following properties,
even if they are in JPEG, BMP or TIFF format.
• Files which are more than 10,000 pixels in width or height
• BMP files which have been compressed using RLE compression
• TIFF files which have been compressed using LZW compression
• JPEG or TIFF images in CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) format
Importing files using drag-and-drop
JPEG Convertor is compatible with drag-and-drop operations. Select the
folder and then the file to be converted, and then drag it onto the JPEG
Convertor shortcut icon on the Desktop, or drag it to the open JPEG
Convertor window. If JPEG Convertor is not already running, it will then
start and the selected file will be imported.
Dragging and dropping onto
the shortcut icon
Dragging and dropping into
the application window