selecting connection 220
selecting service 218
user name 219
Non-GSM phones, connecting 215–217
Note Pad
alarm 120
copying notes into other
applications 117
entering data 40
menus 121
opening 117
overview 117
reviewing notes 118
Notes, attaching to records 63–64
decimal point and thousands
separator 192
Graffiti writing 26
onscreen keyboard 17, 21
Onscreen keyboard 21, 52
pen stroke to open 235
Address Book 73
applications 41
Calculator 81
Date Book 89
Expense 105
Memo Pad 113
Note Pad 117
To Do List 133
Voice Memo 139
World Clock 149, 150
Organizer (Lotus PIM) 38
Other preferences 188
Outlook, connecting to 253
Overlapping events 101
Owner preferences 236
Passkeys 126
entering to create a trusted pair with a
phone 126, 260
Passwords 194–198
changing 194
creating 194
deleting 194
for network 219
forgotten 198, 262
notes into other applications 117
text 52
Payment, Expense item 108
Pen stroke, full-screen 235–236
Peripheral hardware 14
Personal preferences 188, 233–239
Buttons 234–236
Owner 236
Shortcut 237
connection problems 260–261
creating a trusted pair 215
entering ISP information 224
entering passkey 126, 260
Lookup 60–61
numbers, selecting for Address list 76
numbers, selecting types 75
preferences 233
settings for ISP or dial-in server 220–223
Phone Link
Bluetooth connection 123–132
creating connections with 124–130
entering passkey 260
overview 123–124
Pick lists 18
PIM (personal information manager), using
HotSync Manager with 71
Plug-in applications 231
IR on handheld 30, 167
serial 4, 5, 168, 170, 212
USB 4, 5, 168, 170, 212
Power button 12
Power preferences 192–193
auto-off delay 192
PPP 227
PRC (application file extension) 67, 231
Bluetooth 203–211
Buttons 234–236
choosing 50
Communication 187
Connection 211–217
cradle setting 192
Date & Time 189–190