Application problems
Application problems
Problem Solution
I tapped the Today button, but
it does not show the correct
Your handheld is not set to the current date. Make sure the Set
Date box on the Date and Time Preferences screen displays the
current date. See “Date & Time Preferences” in Chapter 17 for
more information.
I know I entered some records,
but they do not appear in the
■ Check the Categories pick list (upper-right corner). Select
All to display all the records for the application.
■ Check Security and confirm that Private Records is set to
Show private records.
■ In To Do List, tap Show and see if Show Only Due Items is
I’m having problems listing
memos, notes, or voice memos
the way I want to see them.
■ If you cannot manually arrange the order of memos, notes,
or voice memos on the list screen, select Preferences from
the Options menu and make sure that Sort by is set to
■ If you choose to view your memos, notes, or voice memos
alphabetically on Palm Desktop software and then perform
a HotSync operation, the memos on your handheld still
appear in the order defined in the Preferences setting. In
other words, the sort settings you use with Palm Desktop
software are not transferred to your handheld.
I created an event in Date Book,
but it doesn’t appear in the
Week View.
If you have two or more events with the same start time, the
first event created appears as a gray bar, and any subsequent
conflicting events appear as a single red bar. To see the
overlapping events select the Day View.
My vCard or vCal e-mail
attachment isn’t forwarding
Palm Desktop software provides several features that interact
with e-mail client software on a Windows computer. For these
features to work correctly, the e-mail client software must be
properly configured. Follow these steps to check the
1. Click the Windows Start menu, and then select Settings.
2. Select Control Panel.
3. Select Internet Options, and then click the Programs tab.
4. Make sure that the E-mail field is set to the correct e-mail
client software.