and connection process 205
defined 204
enabling/disabling the user cache 210
DNS 228
Domain name system. See DNS
Double-booked events 101
memos into other applications 113
stylus to activate features 235
using the stylus 17
Editing records 51–52
E-mail addresses in Address Book 75
Entering data 21–40
importing from other applications 37–40
problems with 250
using Note Pad 40
using the computer keyboard 37
using the onscreen keyboard 21
Entries. See Address Book
displaying on desktop computer 111
in Expense 108, 109
in Graffiti writing 28
in onscreen keyboard 22
printing 111
Events. See Date Book
Exclamation marks in To Do List 137
adding hardware 14
using cards 85–87
Expansion Card
applications 42
copying applications 46
described 15
formatting 86
renaming 86
adding Address Book data to records 61
categorizing records 54
creating records 106
currency 108
date of item 107
defining new currency 109
menus 112
overview 105
receipt details 107
reports 111
type 107, 112
vendor 108
External keyboard 40
FAQs. See Frequently asked questions
FCC Statement 265
Files, linking to external 39, 181
applications, using Graffiti writing 42
information in applications 57–61
phone numbers 60–61
using the Find application 59
Fonts 64, 111
Formats preferences 191
Frequently asked questions
application problems 251
beaming problems 259
HotSync problems 252
operating problems 249
password problems 262
phone connection problems 260
recharging problems 261
software installation problems 248
tapping and writing problems 250
Frozen handheld 250
Games 202
General preferences 188–202
alarm LED 202
alarm sounds 201
alarm vibrate 202
Date & Time 189–190
Digitizer 190
Formats 191–192
opening 188
Power 192–193
Sounds & Alerts 200–202
system sounds 201
Glossary. See Graffiti ShortCuts
GPRS network
connecting to 217–226
GPRS defined 214
loss of network connection 226