Chapter 4 Working with Applications
To look up an Address Book record:
1. Display the Address list screen.
2. Enter the first letter of the name you want to find.
The list scrolls to the first entry that begins with that letter. If you write another
letter, the list scrolls to the first entry that starts with those two letters. For
example, writing an “s” scrolls to “Sands,” and writing “sm” scrolls further to
“Smith.” If you sort the list by company name, the Look Up feature scrolls to the
first letter of the company name.
3. Tap the record to view its contents.
Looking up names to add to Expense records
In Expense, Lookup displays the names in your Address Book that have data in the
Company field. You can add these names to a list of attendees associated with an
Expense record.
To add names to an Expense record:
1. Tap the Expense record to which you want to add names.
2. Tap Det ails.
Look Up line