information 32–34
location of IR port 12
pen stroke to activate 145
problems with 182
Bold font for text 55
Business card for beaming 32
Buttons preferences 144
connecting to computer 12
viewing data when connected 149
for local HotSync operations 139
buttons explained 69–70
memory 70
opening 69
overview 69
recent calculations 69, 70
Calibration 15, 147, 176
Call Waiting, disabling 137, 154
Calling card, using in phone settings 155
Capital letters (Graffiti writing) 27
Caring for the handheld 167
application 38–39
assigning records to 46–47
beaming 32–33
creating 48
default 46
displaying 47, 67, 177
merging 49
renaming 49
using in Applications Launcher 38, 39
Chain calculations 70
Characters, Graffiti 24
Charging the handheld 12, 149, 168
Check boxes 14
Clearing Calculator entries 69
Clearing notes 44
alarm 74
alarm preferences 75
display options 75
menus 75
opening 73, 74
Combining categories 49
Comma delimited files, importing data
from 34
buttons 14
equivalents (Graffiti writing) 41
toolbar 42
Command stroke 34, 41, 51
Compressing Day view 90
Computer keyboard, entering data with 18
for connecting to PIMs 13
for modem HotSync operations 138
for synchronizing applications 178, 125–
126, 170, 171
for synchronizing applications,
Mac 126–127
Conflicting events 89
service templates 156
to server or ISP 155
preferences 150
selecting for network 152
Connector 12
Continuous events
deleting from Date Book 45
scheduling 83
Contrast control 14
notes into other applications 103
text 44
Country default setting 148
Address Book entries 64–65
categories 38–39, 48
currency symbols 95
custom fields in Address Book 68
Date Book events 78
Expense items 92
expense reports 96–97
memos 99
notes for records 54
records 43
Currencies and symbols, custom 95
default 95
defining 95
for Expense items 94
Current date 177