Remote HotSync operations
Remote HotSync operations
You can use a modem and an infrared-enabled phone to synchronize your
handheld when you are away from your computer.
The first HotSync operation must be local, using the cable. After that, you can
perform a remote HotSync operation.
To perform a remote HotSync operation you need the following:
■ A modem connected to your computer.
■ Palm Desktop software configured for use with the modem.
■ An infrared-enabled phone.
■ A configuration for the kind of modem connection you want to make.
See “Connection preferences” in Chapter 15 for more information.
Preparing your computer
There are a few steps you must perform to prepare your computer for a remote
HotSync operation. Be sure to perform these steps before you leave your office so
that your computer is ready to receive a call from your handheld.
To prepare your Windows computer for a remote HotSync operation:
1. Confirm that the computer modem is connected and turned on, and that no
communications applications, such as fax or telephony software, are running
on a COM port.
Make sure the computer is disconnected from all online services, such
as America Online (AOL). This helps to avoid conflicts with the COM port. You
should also make sure that your computer does not go into sleep mode.
2. Start HotSync Manager if it is not already running, and from the
HotSync Manager menu, select Modem.