Elements of the handheld interface
Displaying online tips
Many of the dialog boxes that appear on your handheld contain an online Tips icon
in the upper-right corner. Online tips anticipate questions you might have in a
dialog box, provide shortcuts for using the dialog box, or give you other useful
To display an online tip:
1. Tap the Tips icon .
2. After you review the tip, tap Done.
Using the navigator
When you work with most applications, the navigator on the front panel of your
handheld makes it easy for you to navigate among and select your entries. You can
use the navigator to perform tasks without the stylus, using one hand.
Look for the navigator icon to find navigator tips throughout this guide. See the
chapters on the applications for additional information about using the navigator
with each application.
Pick list
Tap the arrow to display a list of choices, and then tap an
item in the list to select it.
Entry box
Tap box to open dialog box or enter data directly in the box.