Chapter 18 Using Palm™ Web Pro
To enter a password:
1. Open the web page where you must enter the password. The password field
contains the word “Unassigned.”
2. Enter your sign-in name in the appropriate field.
3. Enter your password in the appropriate field and tap OK.
The password field now contains asterisks indicating the password has been
4. Tap the sign-in button (Enter, Go, and so forth) on the web page to gain access
to the password-protected information.
Copying and pasting text
To copy text, select the text and use the options from the Edit menu. For more
information about the edit functions, see “Editing records” in Chapter 4.
When editing, note the following:
■ None of the Edit options copy images, only text.
■ Due to the ability to tap and drag pages to view other parts of a page, you must
tap and hold, then drag to select text. For more information on tap and drag to
view other parts of a page, see “Viewing different parts of a web page” earlier
in this chapter.
Communicating with other users
Web Pro allows you to communicate with other users in several ways:
■ Use a mailto link in a web page to compose and send e-mail.
■ Beam a URL to another Web Pro user.
■ E-mail a URL to another user.