Controlling how Web Pro accesses the Internet
4. Use one or more of the following options:
Remember that your handheld has a limited amount of memory.
Choose a cache size that lets you store at least a few pages but still leaves room
on your handheld for other data and applications. A value of at least 500KB is
5. Tap O K.
Controlling how Web Pro accesses the Internet
Because some wireless Internet service providers (ISPs) charge by the amount of
data you download, Web Pro is careful to limit how often it accesses the Internet.
If you have a faster or more permanent connection to the Internet, the default
settings should work for you.
If you have a slower or more expensive Internet connection, you can enable three
settings that can help reduce your access costs.
To change connection settings:
1. Tap the Menu icon .
2. Select Preferences from the Options menu.
3. Tap General.
4. Tap the check box next to the following options to enable or disable that option:
Clear Cache
Tap to clear the cache immediately.
Clear cache on exit
Select the check box to clear the cache each time you exit
Web Pro. Deselect the check box to keep the cache from
session to session.
Max. cache size
Tap to change the maximum cache size used to store web
pages. The default size of the cache is 1,024KB and the
maximum size is 9,999KB.
Offer old content if
Old pages from cache are displayed instead of new
versions being retrieved from the Internet, even if the old
pages are outdated. A dialog box is displayed informing
you when the page you are viewing is old.
Ask before
You’re notified each time before you access the Internet.
Disconnect on Exit
Your handheld disconnects from the Internet when you
exit Web Pro.