40672201TX Rev.4
(Fig. 4)
* Oki-MFPI
• Packetized data flow.
• Data=MFPL Command/Responce, TIA/AT Command/Responce
• Designates "UNIT ID=FaxModem"
• Contents becomes MFPL and TIA/AT command
Bi-Centro I/F: Compatible & Nibble, MCE Mode
Packet lnd Unit ID Length Contents
Bi-Centro Receive
Buffer Memory
Class 1 Control
T30 (PSTN), Modem Control
(Receive DMA)
* Example: "MFP Device Driver" processing
(FAX driver with AP)
• Resources assurance of FaxModem by running AP
• Prepares the encoded data
• Environment setting by using TIA/AT Command
• Data transmission by using TIA/AT Command
• Resources release of FaxModem according to the
communication end (MFPL)
Note: Packetize with Oki-MFPI
1.2.3 PC FaxModem Function
1) Transmission function of PC FaxModem transfers an image data to the remote
Fax machine by using Class 1 command (EIA/TIA-578) when transmission image
data is prepared by Host PC.
2) Class 1 receiving detects ringing from the remote Fax machine and informs
ringing detection to the Host PC, and then, Fax machine receives an image data
from the remote Fax machine and transfers received image data to the Host PC
by using Class 1 command (EIA/TIA-578).
3) Maximum transmission speed:14.4 kbps
a) PC FaxModem transmission (Class 1)