NETGEAR ProSafe 802.11g Wireless Access Point WG302v2 Reference Manual
Command Line Reference C-11
v1.0, May 2006
Set the WEP Keys
set interface wlan0 wep-key-1 <key>
Note: For 64-bit WEP, use 5 ASCII characters or 10 Hex characters. For
128-bit WEP, use 13 ASCII characters or 26 Hex characters. For 152-bit
WEP, use 32 hexadecimal or 16 ASCII characters.
Example (64-bit WEP with ASCII):
set interface wlan0 wep-key-1 abcde
set interface wlan0 wep-key-2 fghi
set interface wlan0 wep-key-3 klmno
set interface wlan0 wep-key-4 pqrst
Set Network Authentication to
set interface wlan0 security dot1x
Set Network Authentication to
set interface wlan0 security wpa-personal
set bss wlan0bssvap0 wpa-allowed on
set bss wlan0bssvap0 wpa2-allowed off
Set Network Authentication to
set interface wlan0 security wpa-personal
set bss wlan0bssvap0 wpa-allowed off
set bss wlan0bssvap0 wpa2-allowed on
Set Network Authentication to
WPA and WPA2
set interface wlan0 security wpa-personal
set bss wlan0bssvap0 wpa-allowed on
set bss wlan0bssvap0 wpa2-allowed on
Set the WPA Passphrase
set interface wlan0 wpa-personal-key <key>
set interface wlan0 wpa-personal-key “KeY!”
set interface wlan0 wpa-personal-key My!KeY
Set Network Authentication to
set interface wlan0 security wpa-enterprise
set bss wlan0bssvap0 wpa-allowed on
set bss wlan0bssvap0 wpa2-allowed off
Set Network Authentication to
set interface wlan0 security wpa-enterprise
set bss wlan0bssvap0 wpa-allowed off
set bss wlan0bssvap0 wpa2-allowed on
Table C-9 Security Profile Settings (continued)
Task Command