
NETGEAR ProSafe 802.11g Wireless Access Point WG302v2 Reference Manual
C-4 Command Line Reference
v1.0, May 2006
Entering CLI Commands
This section describes how to use CLI commands to configure the access point and how to view
system settings and information.
Table C-3 shows the commands available at the blank CLI prompt. You can type TAB twice to
display the list of commands. After you enter the command, press the TAB key twice to display a
list of available keywords and variables.
lo Local loopback for data meant for the access point itself.
eth0 The Ethernet interface connected to the Internal network.
vlan1 The VLAN interface associated with the default security profile.
wlan0 The default security profile for the Internal network.
wlan0vapx The wireless interface for the x security profile.
wlan0wdsx A wireless distribution system (WDS) interface where x indicates the number of the WDS
link. The WDS interface allows you to configure wireless bridging and repeating.
Table C-3 Commands at the Blank Prompt
Command Description
Gets the property values of existing instances of a class.
set Sets the property values of existing instances of a class.
Adds a new instance or group of instances of a class.
Removes an existing instance of a class.
config Uploads or downloads the running configuration.
firmware-upgrade Upgrades the firmware.
save-running Saves the running configuration as the startup configuration.
reboot Restarts the access point (a “soft” reboot).
factory-reset Resets the AP to factory defaults and reboots.
Table C-2 Interface Naming Convention (continued)
Interface Description