NETGEAR ProSafe 802.11g Wireless Access Point WG302v2 Reference Manual
Command Line Reference C-3
v1.0, May 2006
Interface Naming Conventions
Table C-2 describes the interface naming conventions for the WG302v2.
Ctrl-k Remove characters starting from cursor location to end of the current line.
(Clears the current line from the cursor forward.)
Ctrl-u Remove all characters before the cursor.
(Clears the current line from the cursor back to the CLI prompt.)
Up Arrow key
Display previous command in history.
(Ctrl-p and Ctrl-n let you cycle through a history of all executed commands like Up
and Down arrow keys typically do. Up/Down arrow keys also work for this.)
Down Arrow key
Display next command in history.
(Ctrl-p and Ctrl-n let you cycle through a history of all executed commands like Up
and Down arrow keys typically do. Up/Down arrow keys also work for this.)
Ctrl-d Exit the CLI. (At a blank command prompt, typing Ctrl-d closes the CLI.)
(Typing Ctrl-d within command text also removes characters, one at a time, at cursor
location like Ctrl-h.)
Warning: The CLI uses specific interface names the Web UI does not use. Many get
and set commands require that you enter interface names.
Note: Use the get interface command to display common information on all
interfaces, including IP addresses.
Table C-2 Interface Naming Convention
Interface Description
brvlan1 The Internal bridge represents the internal interface for the access point. To Telnet or SSH
into the access point, use the IP address for this interface. The
brvlan1 interface consists of:
• eth0 (or vlan <vlanid>
if you have VLANs configured)
• wlan0
brtrunk Internal bridge trunk interface.
Table C-1 Keyboard Shortcuts (continued)
Keyboard Shortcut Action on CLI