WFS709TP ProSafe Smart Wireless Switch Software Administration Manual
Configuring Management Utilities 13-3
v1.0, June 2007
If you are using SNMPv3 for getting the values from the WFS709TP, follow the steps below to
configure valid users for SNMPv3:
1. Click Add in the SNMPv3 Users section to add a new SNMPv3 user.
2. Enter the information described in Table 13-2.
Read Community
Community strings used to
authenticate requests for SNMP
versions before version 3.
These are the community strings that
are allowed to access the SNMP data
from the WFS709TP (only needed if
using SNMP v2c).
Enable Trap
Enables generation of SNMP traps to
configured SNMP trap receivers. Refer
to “SNMP Traps” on page 13-9 for a list
of traps that are generated by the
Select this option and configure the
details of the trap receivers to enable
generation of traps for various events
by the WFS709TP.
Trap receivers Host information about a trap receiver.
This host must be running a trap
receiver to receive and interpret the
traps sent by the WFS709TP.
Configure the following for each
host/trap receiver:
• IP address.
• SNMP version (1 or 2c).
• Community string.
• (Optional) UDP port on which the trap
receiver is listening for traps. The
default is the UDP port number 162.
Table 13-2. SNMPv3 User Details
Field Description Expected/Recommended Value
User name A string representing the name of the
A string value for the user name.
An indication of whether messages
sent on behalf of this user can be
authenticated, and if so, the type of
authentication protocol being used.
This can take one of the two values:
• MD5: HMAC-MD5-96 Digest
Authentication Protocol
• SHA: HMAC-SHA-96 Digest
Authentication Protocol
protocol password
If messages sent on behalf of this user
can be authenticated, the (private)
authentication key for use with the
authentication protocol.
String password for MD5 or SHA,
depending on the choice of protocol.
Table 13-1. Basic WFS709TP SNMP Parameters (continued)
Field Description Expected/Recommended Value