WFS709TP ProSafe Smart Wireless Switch Software Administration Manual
Configuring WLANS 5-19
v1.0, June 2007
IntelliFi RF Management
IntelliFi RF Management (IRM) is an RF management technology for a stable, self-healing RF
design. IRM takes the distributed algorithm approach, allowing APs to determine their transmit
power and channel settings based on what they detect. The APs make their channel and power
setting decisions based on the RF environment as they hear it, independent of the WFS709TP. This
results in a highly scalable and reliable RF environment, while also significantly reducing the time
the AP takes to adapt to changes in the RF environment.
The APs scan all valid channels in the regulatory domain at regular intervals and compute the
following metrics per channel:
• Coverage index: Signal-to-noise ratio for all valid APs
• Interference index: Signal-to-noise ratio for all APs
These metrics are used by the APs and AMs to determine the channel and transmit power settings
for optimal coverage.
Channel Setting
In addition to the interference index, the APs use the free-channel index to determine the optimal
channel setting. The free-channel index is a configurable parameter on the WFS709TP used by an
AP to qualify a channel before moving to it. An AP chooses to move to a new channel only if its
current channel interference index is greater than the interference index on the new channel by a
value greater than or equal to the free-channel index. If this requirement is not met, the AP remains
on the current channel.
Power Setting
Power assignment decisions are based on the AP’s coverage index. The benchmark used here is
the ideal-coverage index. The ideal-coverage index is the power setting that an AP should have for
good coverage. It is a configurable parameter on the WFS709TP. The AP increases or decreases its
power settings based on the difference between the value of its current channel coverage index and
the ideal-coverage index value. The power settings increment or decrement by a single unit at any
given time.
Advantages of Using IRM
Using IRM provides the following benefits:
• The WFS709TP does not require a downtime for initial calibration.