v1.0, June 2007
Chapter 10
Adding Local WFS709TPs
This chapter explains how to expand your network by adding a local WFS709TP ProSafe Smart
Wireless Switch to a master WFS709TP configuration. Typically, this is the first expansion of a
network with just one WFS709TP (which is a by definition a master switch). This chapter is a
basic discussion of creating master-local WFS709TP configurations. More complicated multi-
switch configurations are discussed Chapter 11, “Configuring Redundancy”.
This chapter describes the following topics:
• “Moving to a Multi-Switch Environment” on page 10-1
• “Configuring Local WFS709TPs” on page 10-2
Moving to a Multi-Switch Environment
For a single WLAN configuration, the master switch is the WFS709TP that controls the RF and
security settings of the WLAN. Additional WFS709TPs to the same WLAN serve as local
switches to the master WFS709TP. A local WFS709TP operates independently of the master
WFS709TP and depends on the master WFS709TP only for its security and RF settings. You
configure the Layer 2 and Layer 3 settings on the local WFS709TP independent of the master
WFS709TP. The local WFS709TP needs to have connectivity to the master WFS709TP at all
times to ensure that any changes on the master are propagated to the local WFS709TP.
Some of the common reasons to move from a single-switch to a multi-switch WFS709TP
environment include:
• Scaling to include a larger coverage area
• Setting up remote access points (APs)
• Network setup requires APs to be redistributed from a single WFS709TP to multiple