
NETGEAR ReadyNAS Duo User Guide
A-2 ReadyNAS Duo Glossary
v1.1, April 2008
Share Name
Name must consist only of characters a–z, A–Z, 0–9, and the symbols - (hyphen) and .
Name cannot be an existing user name.
Name cannot end in -snap.
Name cannot be any one of the following reserved names:
bin boot cdrom dev etc floppy frontview home initrd lib lost+found mnt
opt proc root sbin tmp usr var admin administrator images language
quota.user quota.group shares global homes printers diag c d e f g h i
Share name can contain Unicode characters if this option is specified in the Language tab.
Share Password
The password can be any character except for ' (single quote).
Share passwords are limited to 8 characters.
User or Group Name
Name must only consist of characters a–z, A–Z, 0–9, and the symbols _ (underscore), -
(hyphen), @, and . (period).
Name cannot be an existing share name.
Name can contain Unicode characters if this option is specified in the Language tab.
User Password
The password can be any character except for ' (single quote).