
NETGEAR ReadyNAS Duo User Guide
Configuring Your ReadyNAS Duo 1-21
v1.1, April 2008
X-RAID has One Data Volume. X-RAID devices have only one data volume. This volume
encompasses one to two disks, utilizing the capacity of the smallest disk from each disk. For
instance, if you had one 80 GB disk and one 250 GB disk, only 80 GB from is used in the
volume. (The leftover space on the 250 GB disk is reclaimed only when the 80 GB disk is
replaced with a 250 GB or greater capacity disk. See “Replacing Your Disk for More
Capacity” on page 1-21.”)
Adding a Second Disk for Redundancy
A one-disk X-RAID device has no redundancy and provides no protection from a disk failure.
However, if and when you feel the need for redundancy, simply power down the device, add a new
disk with at least the capacity of the first disk, and power on. Depending on the size of the disk,
within a few hours, your data volume will be fully redundant. The process occurs in the
background, so access to the ReadyNAS Duo is not interrupted.
After you receive your e-mail, the ReadyNAS Duo will have been expanded with the capacity
from your new disk(s).
Replacing Your Disk for More Capacity
A year or so down the line when you find the need more disk space, and 600 GB disks are
available at an attractive price, you can expand your volume capacity by replacing the existing
disks. Keep in mind that you must power down several times to replace out your old disks.
Figure 1-26