v1.1, April 2008
About This Manual
Congratulations on your purchase of a ReadyNAS™ Duo from NETGEAR, Inc. If you have not
already done so, please read the printed Installation Guide provided with your product and the
ReadyNAS Setup Manual on the Installation CD.
The ReadyNAS Setup Manual takes you step-by-step through the Setup Wizard and quickly
prepares the ReadyNAS Duo for your network. The NETGEAR® ReadyNAS Duo User Guide
explains each of the available options in detail, including many of the advanced options not
described during the Setup Wizard process. The manual includes:
Chapter 1, “Configuring Your ReadyNAS Duo,” describes all the menus and tabs available in the
FrontView Advanced Control mode.
Chapter 2, “Accessing Shares from Your Operating System.” If you have already configured the
ReadyNAS Duo and you need help in accessing the shares on the ReadyNAS Duo, skip to this
Chapter 3, “Maintenance and Administration”:
• If a disk fails, learn about the proper procedure for replacing the failed disk in “Replacing a
Failed Disk.”
• If you need to reinstall the firmware or reset the system back to the factory default
configuration, see “Resetting Your System (System Switch)” for an explanation of both.
• “Changing User Passwords” covers users other than administrators can access FrontView to
change their password.
Appendix A, “ReadyNAS Duo Glossary,” covers questions on what constitutes a valid input for
hostname, workgroup, or password.
Appendix B, “General Glossary,” provides definitions for some of the technical terminologies
used in this document.