Shared Folders
ReadyNAS OS 6.1
Note: If you decide to remove your system from ReadyCLOUD, any
ReadyCLOUD users that you added will lose access to the system.
For more information about using the ReadyCLOUD web portal, see Access Your System
Using ReadyCLOUD on page 78.
Add ReadyCLOUD Users
After you add your system to ReadyCLOUD, you can allow other ReadyCLOUD users to
access your system using their ReadyCLOUD accounts.
For more information about joining ReadyCLOUD, see Join ReadyCLOUD on page 69.
Note: When you grant access to a ReadyCLOUD user, that user
automatically gains access to your system from ReadyCLOUD and
ReadyNAS Remote.
To grant access to ReadyCLOUD users:
1. Open a web browser and visit http://readycloud.netgear
2. From the top menu bar, select Sign In near the top right corner of the screen.