Users and Groups
ReadyNAS OS 6.1
For more information about managing users and groups with Active Directory, see your
Active Directory documentation.
Keep the following precautions in mind when using Active Directory mode:
• Y
our Active Directory server and your ReadyNAS system must have the same time set
on their system clocks. NETGEAR recommends that you choose your domain controller
as your NTP server to ensure that time settings are the same.
• The DNS server that you use must be able to resolve the host name of the domain
. NETGEAR recommends that you point your ReadyNAS to the Active Directory
DNS to ensure that host names can be resolved.
User Accounts
Use Local Users mode to manually create, manage, and delete user accounts on your
ReadyNAS storage system.
This section assumes that your ReadyNAS system is currently in Local Users mode. For
more information about changing user and group management modes, see User and Group
Management Modes on page 152.
Create User Accounts
Use the local admin page to create user accounts.
To create a user account:
1. Select Accounts > Users.
2. Click the New User button.