System Maintenance
ReadyNAS OS 6.1
4. Click the Add button.
The UPS is added to the UPS list.
Type From the drop-down list, select one of the following options:
• SNMP UPS. An SNMP UPS lets the ReadyNAS query the manufacturer-specific MIB.
The ReadyNAS monitors and manages the UPS through SNMP.
• Remote UPS. A remote UPS is attached to a remote server, such as a ReadyNAS or
a Linux server that is running Network UPS Tools (NUT). The ReadyNAS monitors and
manages the UPS over the remote connection.
Address Enter the IP address of the SNMP UPS.
Community Enter public or private, depending on the manufacturer’s requirement or the
UPS’s configuration.
MIB From the drop-down list, select the MIB for one of the following
• MGE UPS Systems
• American Power Conversion (APC)
• Powerware
• Eaton Powerware (Monitored)
• Eaton Powerware (Managed)
• Raritan
• BayTech
• HP/Compac AF401A
• Cyberpower RMCARD201/RMCARD100/RMCARD202
Remote UPS
Address Enter the IP address of the remote UPS.
User For a remote UPS that is attached to a Linux server that is running NUT,
enter the user name used to access the remote UPS.
For a remote UPS that is attached to a ReadyNAS, enter monuser. This user
name is required for the ReadyNAS to access the remote UPS; do not enter
another user name.
Password For a remote UPS that is attached to a Linux server that is running NUT,
enter the password used to access the remote UPS.
For a remote UPS that is attached to a ReadyNAS, enter pass. This
password is required for the ReadyNAS to access the remote UPS; do not
enter another password.
Item Description