Switching Commands
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
If an interface is configured as a protected port, and you add that interface to a Port Channel
or link aggregation group (LAG), the protected port status becomes operationally disabled on
the interface, and the interface follows the configuration of the LAG port. However, the
protected port configuration for the interface remains unchanged. Once the interface is no
longer a member of a LAG, the current configuration for that interface automatically becomes
switchport protected (Global Config)
Use this command to create a protected port group. The <groupid> parameter identifies the
set of protected ports. Use the name <name> pair to assign a name to the protected port
group. The name can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters long, including blanks. The
default is blank.
Note: Port protection occurs within a single switch. Protected port
configuration does not affect traffic between ports on two different
switches. No traffic forwarding is possible between two protected
no switchport protected (Global Config)
Use this command to remove a protected port group. The groupid parameter identifies the
set of protected ports. Use the name keyword to remove the name from the group.
Format NO switchport protected <groupid> name
switchport protected (Interface Config)
Use this command to add an interface to a protected port group. The <groupid> parameter
identifies the set of protected ports to which this interface is assigned. You can only configure
an interface as protected in one group.
Note: Port protection occurs within a single switch. Protected port
configuration does not affect traffic between ports on two different
switches. No traffic forwarding is possible between two protected
Format switchport protected <groupid> name <name>
Global Config
Global Config