Utility Commands
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
clock set
This command sets the system time and date.
Format clock set <hh:mm:ss>
clock set <mm/dd/yyyy>
clock summer-time recurring
Use the clock summer-time recurring command to set the summertime offset to UTC
recursively every year. If the optional parameters are not specified, they are read as either '0'
or '\0', as appropriate.
Use the following parameters to configure the summer-time.
• USA—the US Daylight saving time setting is used (Start --- March, 2nd sunday 02:00 AM,
End --- Nov, 1st sunday, 2:00 AM)
• EU—the European Union Daylight savings time is used (Start --- March, 5th Sunday
AM, End --- October, 5th Sunday, 3:00 AM)
• week—W
eek of the month. (Range: 1-5, first, last)
• day—Day of the week. (Range:
The first three letters by name; sun, for example.)
• month—Month. (Range:
The first three letters by name; jan, for example.)
• hh:mm—T
ime in 24-hour format in hours and minutes. (Range: hh:0-23, mm: 0-59)
• of
fset—Number of minutes to add during the summertime. (Range:1-1440)
• acronym—The acronym for the time zone to be displayed when summertime is in ef
(Range: Up to four characters)
For example:
(Switch)(Config)# clock summer-time recurring 1 sun jan
00:10 2 mon mar 10:00 offset 1 zone ABC
clock summer-time date
Use the clock summer-time date command to set the summertime offset to UTC. If the
optional parameters are not specified, they are read as either '0' or '\0', as appropriate.
• date—Day of the month. (Range: 1-31)
• month—Month. (Range:
The first three letters by name; jan, for example.)
• year—Y
ear. (Range: 2000-2097)
• hh:mm—T
ime in 24-hour format in hours and minutes. (Range: hh: 0-23, mm: 0-59)
Global Config
Format clock summer-time recurring {USA | EU | {week day month hh:mm week
day month hh:mm}} [offset offset ] [zone acronym]
Mode Global Config