Utility Commands
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
no rmon hcalarm
This command deletes the rmon hcalarm entry.
Format no rmon hcalarm <alarm number>
rmon event
This command sets the rmon event entry in the RMON event mib group.
rmon event <event number> [description|log|owner|trap]
• None
• Log
• SNMP Trap
• Log and SNMP Trap
no rmon event
This command deletes the rmon event entry.
Format no rmon event <event number>
Low Value
High capacity alarm rising threshold absolute value low. The lower 32 bits of the absolute
value for threshold for the sampled statistics.
High Value
High capacity alarm falling threshold absolute value high. The upper 32 bits of the absolute
value for threshold for the sampled statistic.
Low Value
High capacity alarm falling threshold absolute value high. The upper 32 bits of the absolute
value for threshold for the sampled statistic.
High capacity alarm startup alarm that may be sent. Possible values are Rising Alarm, Falling
Alarm or both.
Owner String High capacity alarm owner. The owner string associated with the entry.
Global Config
Global Config
Parameter Description
Event Number Event identifier
Event Type The type of notification that the probe will make about the event. Possible values are:
Global Config
Parameter Description