Reference Manual for the ProSafe Wireless 802.11g Firewall/Print Server Model FWG114P v2
Wireless Configuration 4-21
201-10301-02, May 2005
Select the desired Encryption method. For WPA2-PSK, the only option is AES.
5. Enter the pre-shared key in the Passphrase field. Enter a word or group of printable characters
in the Passphrase box. The Passphrase must be 8 to 63 characters in length. The 256 Bit key
used for encryption is generated from this passphrase.
6. Enter the Key Lifetime. This setting determines how often the encryption key is changed.
Shorter periods provide greater security, but adversely affect performance. If desired, you can
change the default value.
7. Click Apply to save your settings.
How to Configure WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK
Note: Not all wireless adapters support WPA and WPA2. Furthermore, client software is required
on the client. Windows XP and Windows 2000 with Service Pack 3 do include the client software
that supports WPA and WPA2. Nevertheless, the wireless adapter hardware and driver must also
support WPA and WPA2. Consult the product document for your wireless adapter and WPA and
WPA2 client software for instructions on configuring WPA and WPA2 settings.
To configure WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK, follow these steps:
1. Log in at the default LAN address of, with the default user name of admin
and default password of password, or using whatever LAN address and password you have
set up.