Reference Manual for the ProSafe Wireless 802.11g Firewall/Print Server Model FWG114P v2
8-38 Virtual Private Networking
201-10301-02, May 2005
– Select Enable Authentication in the ESP Configuration Enable Authentication check
Note: Do not confuse this with the Authentication Protocol (AH) option. Using the AH
option will prevent clients behind a home NAT router from connecting.
– From the ESP Configuration Authentication Algorithm drop-down box, select SHA-1.
This will also be entered in the VPN Client Security Policy Key Exchange (Phase 2) Hash
Alg field, as seen in “Connection Security Policy Key Exchange (Phase 2)” on page 8-43.
– Select the NETBIOS Enable check box to enable networking features like Windows
Network Neighborhood.
Click Apply to save your changes. You will be taken back to the VPN Policies Menu page.
4. When the screen returns to the VPN Policies, make sure the Enable check box is selected.
Click Apply to save your changes.
Step-By-Step Configuration of the Netgear VPN Client
This procedure describes linking a remote PC and a LAN. The LAN will connect to the Internet
using an FWG114P v2 with a static IP address. The PC can be directly connected to the Internet
through dialup, cable or DSL modem, or other means, and we will assume it has a dynamically
assigned IP address.
Note: The Netgear ProSafe VPN Client has the ability to “Import” a predefined
configuration profile. The FWG114P
V2.SPD file on the ProSafe Wireless 802.11g
Firewall/Print Server Model FWG114P v2 Resource CD for the ProSafe Wireless
802.11g Firewall/Print Server Model FWG114P (SW-10023-03) includes all the
settings identified in this procedure.
Whenever importing policy settings, you should first export any existing settings you
may have configured to prevent the new imported settings from replacing an existing
working configuration.
To import this policy, use the Security Policy Editor File menu to select Import Policy,
and select the FWG114P v2.SPD file at D:\Software\Policies where D is the drive letter
of your CD-ROM drive.