Reference Manual for the ProSafe Wireless 802.11g Firewall/Print Server Model FWG114P v2
G-4 NETGEAR VPN Configuration FVS318 or FVM318 to FWG114P v2
201-10301-02, May 2005
– Choose a subnet from local address from the “Tunnel can access” pull-down menu.
– Type the starting LAN IP Address of Gateway B ( in our example) in the Local
IP Remote LAN Start IP Address field.
– Type the finishing LAN IP Address of Gateway B ( in our example) in the Local IP
Remote LAN Finish IP Address field.
– Type the LAN Subnet Mask of Gateway B ( in our example) in the Remote
LAN IP Subnetmask field.
– Type the WAN IP address ( in our example) of Gateway B in the Remote
WAN IP or FQDN field.
Figure G-4: Figure 4 – NETGEAR FVS318 VPN Settings (part 2) – Main Mode
– From the Secure Association drop-down box, select Main Mode.
– Next to Perfect Forward Secrecy, select the Enabled radio button.
– From the Encryption Protocol drop-down box, select 3DES.
– In the PreShared Key box, type a unique text string to be used as the shared key between
Gateway A and Gateway B. In this example we used hr5xb84l6aa9r6. You must make
sure the key is the same for both gateways.
– In the Key Life box, enter in 3600 seconds.
– In the IKE Life Time, enter 28800 seconds.
– Check the NETBIOS Enable box if you wish to pass NetBIOS traffic over the VPN
tunnel, allowing functions, such as Microsoft Network Neighborhood browsing.
3. Click the Apply button in the lower center of the screen to save all changes and return to the
VPN Settings screen.
4. When the screen returns to the VPN Settings, make sure the Enable check box is selected.